KEENPRO’s Preform Temperature Detection vs Experienced worker, provides you the quality assurance.

You are always worried about children’s health,

when a child is having a fever in the middle of the night, parents usually use hands to see if the child is having a high temperature. But today, we use a thermometer to read the temperature accurately, and we know immediately if a child is having a fever or not.

You always pay a lot of attention on the stability of bottle-blowing.

Preform is just like a child, an experienced worker used to feel the preform temperature with their hands before, If the temperature is too high, it causes the preform to crystallize, and if the temperature is too low, it leads the bottle to burst. It cannot be learned by words, but only by years of experiences.

Today, we transfer the Experienced worker into the “Preform Temperature Detector”, It is as accurate as a thermometer, and it can diagnose and provide the correct parameter of heating temperature, so the preforms are heated under the best healthy temperature, and to be ready for the perfect bottle-blowing.

Footprints in the sand show where one has been, “Preform Temperature Detector” not only be able to provide you the accurate data, But also increase your yield rate, and gives you an “A.I. Worker” who is able to pass on the knowledge with figures.

KEENPRO provide the “Preform Temperature Detector function”, and checks the quality for you.

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